Maggie Li.
Diana and Anton's beautiful "best day ever".
A Max Papart lithograph at Kitka.
The ALL Knitwear / Baggu collaboration (backpack / duck bag).
Jasmine Deporta via It's Nice That.
I enjoy how Michelle Brusegaard uses fictional character names as examples in her shop. Some that I noticed straight off - Laura Palmer (her) / Chester Copperpot (him) / Herman Blume (from this) / Millie Kentner (Lindsay's old bff)
Meanwhile in the Ello There shop, Anders and Blake seem to be getting married (these guys). Of course, it could just be a coincidence... but whatever.
Diana and Anton's beautiful "best day ever".
A Max Papart lithograph at Kitka.
The ALL Knitwear / Baggu collaboration (backpack / duck bag).

I enjoy how Michelle Brusegaard uses fictional character names as examples in her shop. Some that I noticed straight off - Laura Palmer (her) / Chester Copperpot (him) / Herman Blume (from this) / Millie Kentner (Lindsay's old bff)
Meanwhile in the Ello There shop, Anders and Blake seem to be getting married (these guys). Of course, it could just be a coincidence... but whatever.
I am proud to say that I have been to Perry's Nut House.
Andy Rementer's People Blocks at Sight Unseen.
Louisa Parris.
Myrtle's illustrate lookbook (illustrators from top to bottom - Ellen Surrey / Alice Rutherford / Gracie Chai).
I know that Halloween is over, but spookiness doesn't have to be seasonal.... so enjoy this mix of scary songs I made. Sorry to haunt your day with the pic of G'mork.
Andy Rementer's People Blocks at Sight Unseen.
Louisa Parris.
I know that Halloween is over, but spookiness doesn't have to be seasonal.... so enjoy this mix of scary songs I made. Sorry to haunt your day with the pic of G'mork.
such a specific (and great) Cheers-related costume / the final pages of the final episode of Breaking Bad / weeping - getting dvds from Netflix is one of my greatest joys (as a movie obsessed person who -as a teenager - watched 95% of the movies in her local video store). Having a huge selection of dvds to choose from and have sent to my home.... it has been heaven and PLEASE DON'T LET IT END :( / Cumberbatch's coats / Louis C.K.'s banner ad / the trailer for The Book Thief / Stephen King’s Carrie Is Even Stranger and More Radical Than You Remember / tv characters who never change their clothes / Graphic Novels My Kid Loves / a Beetlejuice brunch / Frasier reunion <3 / I thought this was a pretty great interview with Vincent Kartheiser (Pete Campbell) - it's a really old interview because I have a lot of really old things saved on Pocket / a book post at fieldguided / Tyra from Friday Night Lights dressed up as Labyrinth-style David Bowie for Halloween / I love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia / actors hate it when you treat them like actresses
I got a copy of this coloring book in the mail and it's great - get one / beautiful quilts / "the float table" / I have a sneaker obsession too / The Oyster / Leah Goren at Boots & Pine / Mary Blair's concept art for Alice in Wonderland / Cat People magazine / I found a bunch of awesome personalizable gifts for the Etsy blog / DIY forest mobile / a massive pom pom / yet another lovely wallpaper at Poolga / a trip to the Edward Gorey house
What We Wore / 1-2 Simple Cooking / the new issue of Chickpea magazine / buffalo plaid / I wish I had been in this duck-filled CVS / everyone who uses facebook fears this / running a vintage shop / coats / kite festival / a Copenhagen photo diary / "I think 'everything sucks' is too often leaned upon as a comedic stance. It's a really easy and pretty weak perspective. Don’t get me wrong, we’re going to do jokes about things that I don’t like, but people who don’t really have personalities will often manufacture the illusion of a personality by just saying 'no' to everything and just telling you why everything sucks." - why I try never to say "I hate ______" on twitter or this blog or elsewhere (other than when I'm talking to people in real life - it's [obviously] necessary sometimes). In general though, who cares what you don't like? I'm more interested in what people do like or enjoy or (especially) love. People really tend to use twitter as an outlet to tell the world the things they loathe, and I just think it makes them look like miserable lumps. You feel that strongly about people who post pictures of their food on instagram? Woe is you. The only thing I feel compelled to tweet about hating is people like that. Don't tell me you hate Wes Anderson movies, tweet about the trailer for the movie you ARE excited for. I just think that's more worthwhile than commiserating in mutual disdain. Did a member of Mumford & Sons kill your dog? If not - chill out.