
Gems of the Week

Hazel and Hunter.
Adolfo Serra via Carnet Imaginaire.
Ilana Kohn.
Chance via destined to design.
Emmanuelle Walker.
Backstage photo from the Cynthia Rowley show. Photo by Cara Stricker found at Dossier Journal.
Hannah Holman for Citizen K via Thunder In Our Hearts.
I would go to a ball like this. Not only would I - I'd LOVE to go to a ball like this. I'd wear a green column dress and my headdress would be like the top of a piece of broccoli. I'd be broccoli. Glamorous broccoli. Either that or my headdress would be a sloth hanging from a branch. OR a giant shish-kabob with assorted vegetables on it. Apparently I enjoy the vegetable theme. via The Nifty Fifties.
Johnny Cash via Letters of Note.
Kristin Reger via design work life.
Nancy Straughan.
Nathalie du Pasquier via Ermie.
Snedker Studio via Famille Summerbelle.
Stéphanie Baechler via kleidersachen.
Quartz by Herbert S. Zim via stopping off place.