
Gems of the Week

In my humble opinion Maleficent is the the best Disney villain of all time. It's a small tragedy that I haven't celebrated a Halloween clad in her robe & horns yet. Maybe this year. Via Cat Party.
Dan Hillier.
A Fine Day for Sailing.
Flea Bags.
Harvest Textiles.
John Hopkins.
Just... a Brad Pitt picture. Because. I mean. Why not? Why not. Via. This looks like it's from the Legends-of-the-Fall-ish era. When I was in middle school I wanted to name a future son Tristan in his honor. Watch this video I just found if you'd like to gaze at Brad/Tristan. But I recommend turning the volume off.
Katharine, may I steal your dress?
How could I not post this squirrel and her (or his) handbag? Via Something Changed.
Everyone's been raving about the Rodarte for Opening Ceremony women's lookbook.... I'm also fond of the men's one, which isn't getting as much play. Although that's probably because I mostly read blogs written by & for women. That could be it. Via.