
Gems of the Week

Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1941 (via).
Sarah Anne Johnson via COLLECTED / The New Yorker.
Cillian Murphy in pink sunglasses. Awesome? Awesome. Via.
Egg Press via The Shallow End.
via Her Famed Warm Gun.
Oh, Lestat. Via. An Interview magazine cover story on INTERVIEW with the Vampire. Too perfect. I wish I had that issue.
Little Edie Beale with her brothers (via).
Lost & Found temporary hotel room via Skip Town.
Mia Farrow in The Great Gatsby. Stills found here.
Miki Sato.
Paul Rudd. You gem you. Also - nice poster.

I'm realizing this post is sort of actor/movie heavy, but. Deal with it. I saw this post and was filled with glee. I love Frasier. It's one of my favorite tv shows ever. It's not exactly a "cool" comedy to love (like... I dunno... Arrested Development / 30 Rock / such), but... I am the biggest fan. Thanks to my mother who also adores it. Anyway. I saw that post and said to myself - "I bet there's a tumblr devoted to Frasier", and (of course) there was (also).

Is it wrong I kind of want to name a future child Niles? Truth.

Dabito's (OLD BRAND NEW) amazing print.
"Four Decades of Skate Boarding in San Francisco" via Old Chum.
Bandanas at Present via anne louise likes.
Steve Martin. The Best. Via.
Upon A Fold.